Category Archives: Habitats

Year 1 Science Incursions in Brisbane


habitat incursions


Ocean Life Education’s Habitats Program

One of Ocean Life Educations most popular programs is our Habitats Program, which focuses on curriculum learning for students in Prep and Year One. It’s a wonderful interactive based learning experience that focuses on how living things have a few basic needs to survive.

Read on to find out more about our year 1 science incursions in Brisbane…

A Voyage of Discovery

Students discover what a habitat is and that in order for an area to be a suitable habitat for an animal, it needs to provide the fundamental elements: food, water, shelter, air and oxygen.

brisbane incursionsExploring a Diverse Range of Habitats

Key habitat areas explored are rocky shores, sandy beaches, mangroves, sea grass beds, coral reefs, and the open ocean.

Find out more about diverse ocean habitats here.


How Ocean Animals Suit their Habitat

Students will discover that animals vary greatly, coming in different shapes and sizes, therefore requiring different types of habitat areas. They will find out through interaction, that our live display animals may live in one or more of these habitat areas and why.

This is a fun and exhilarating way for students to grasp all the key concepts about living things and their habitat.

Helping you Plan your Incursion

In the planning stages, we work with schools and home school centres to ensure your needs are met, and that we are focusing on what’s relevant to your teaching goals. If you have a special area of interest, we will concentrate on that.

Then, on the day of the incursion, our enthusiastic Marine Educators deliver highly educational, fun and engaging incursion that children will remember for a lifetime.

Our Primary Programs

Building Foundational Science Knowledge

These incursions will provide a dynamic and engaging way for Year 1 and Prep students to build foundational knowledge in science, fostering curiosity and a deeper appreciation for the natural world and imprinting a sense of ownership for its wellbeing.

Imprinting a Love of the Ocean

We stand by the statement that you ‘protect what you know and love’ and believe that teaching children about the ocean will help create environmental advocates of the future.

Our whole crew is passionate about the ocean, and we think this is very apparent during our science incursions and what makes the learning experience with Ocean Life Education very special indeed.




Find out about our Ocean Habitats Excursions

Learn about wetland habitats here

A Note About Year 1 Curriculum Science: Biological Science

Our incursions sit under the Australian Curriculum unit ‘Science Understanding’ and under the sub strand of ‘Biological Science’.

Understanding Sciences


Identify the basic needs of plants and animals including air, water, food or shelter, and describe how the places they live meet those needs.

Our Primary Incursions

Here’s a link to our other news

And a link to our programs

Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Australia

World Wetlands Day 2024

copyright: Australian Environmental Education

World Wetlands Day is observed annually on February 2nd. It marks the date of the adoption of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1971, an international treaty aimed at conserving and sustainably managing wetlands around the world. The day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands for biodiversity, water resources, and the well-being of both people and the planet. It also serves as a platform to advocate for the protection and restoration of wetland ecosystems, which face numerous threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Let’s delve into the significance of wetlands, their vital role in the environment, and why they deserve our utmost appreciation as we offer you a host of reasons for Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Australia.

mangrove habitatExploring the Richness of Wetlands

Wetlands encompass a diverse array of habitats, from marshes and swamps to mangroves and peatlands. Despite covering only a small percentage of the Earth’s surface, they are among the most productive ecosystems on the earth, supporting an astonishing variety of plant and animal life. Whether it’s the lush vegetation of a freshwater marsh or the unique biodiversity of a coastal mangrove forest, wetlands are hubs of life and vitality.

The Importance of Wetlands

Beyond their ecological richness, wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services essential for human well-being. They act as natural water filters, purifying and replenishing groundwater. Wetlands also serve as buffers against floods and storms, mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events. Furthermore, they are crucial for combatting climate change by storing vast amounts of carbon in their soils.

Did you know?

  • Coastal wetlands rank among Earth’s most biologically diverse habitats.
  • Coral reefs and mangrove forests serve as natural barriers, shielding coastlines from the destructive impacts of storm surges.
  • Wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate, with a staggering 35% lost since the 1970s, outpacing the rate of forest loss by threefold.
  • The factors contributing to wetland loss encompass drainage and infilling for agricultural and construction purposes, pollution, overexploitation of resources such as overfishing, invasion by non-native species, and the overarching influence of climate change.

Challenges and Conservation Efforts Mangrove

Despite their immense value, wetlands face an array of threats, including habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. Human activities such as urbanization, agriculture, and infrastructure development have led to the degradation and loss of these vital ecosystems.

However, there is hope. Conservation efforts worldwide are striving to protect and restore wetlands, recognizing their importance for both nature and society. Through initiatives such as wetland conservation areas, sustainable land management practices, and international agreements like the Ramsar Convention, we can work together to safeguard these precious environments for future generations.

Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Australia

On World Wetlands Day, we celebrate the beauty and importance of these remarkable ecosystems. Whether it’s exploring a local wetland, participating in a conservation project, or simply spreading awareness about their significance, there are countless ways to get involved. By taking action to protect and preserve wetlands, we can ensure that they continue to thrive and fulfill their vital role in sustaining life on Earth.


As we celebrate World Wetlands Day, let’s remember that these ecosystems are not just areas of water and vegetation; they are lifelines for our planet. By recognizing their value, supporting conservation efforts, and fostering a deeper connection with nature, we can ensure that wetlands remain vibrant and resilient for generations to come. So let’s come together to honor and protect these invaluable treasures of our natural world. Happy World Wetlands Day!

We hoped you enjoyed reading our blog – Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Australia!

Useful links…

World Wetlands Day Official Website

World Wetlands Day Video Link 2024

Guide to Marine Habitats

Here’s a link to our other news

Ocean Life Education: Coastal Habitats Educational Excursion


On a very windy but sunny Wednesday in October, Ocean Life Education’s Senior Marine Biologist, Richard Coward, facilitated a wonderful ‘Coastal Habitats’ focused educational excursion for the Bribie Island Home School group, with the help of the lovely Taz Winkler of Pumicestone Homeschoolers…

Educative Ocean Walk

As the tide was quite high and still coming in, we decided to run our Mangrove/Beach Habitat educative walk before the live marine animal exhibit session, in order to maximise on beach time and find as many wildlife remnant treasures as possible!

We walked the group to the beach where we discussed the importance of the mangrove and other beach habitats and why we need to protect them. We also noticed evidence of another habitat washed up on the beach…sea grass!

Seagrass & Mangrove Habitats are very important nursery areas for many of the creatures we find in our ocean and on our beaches, as well as being home to some iconic marine animals such as sea turtles, dugongs and the beautiful mangrove jack (a type of snapper).

Whilst walking, the children found many cool marine oddities such as a ‘sand collar’ (the jelly-like casing for moon snail eggs). We also discovered a sea urchin test (the brittle shell remnants of a sea urchin), blue blubber sea jellies –  aka jelly fish (which they aren’t – as they are not a fish but belong to the same group of animals as corals and sea anemones). Then there was the interesting vegetation such as the mangrove seed pods washed up on the beach, including one that had recently anchored and germinated….the exciting beginning of a new mangrove tree right there before us!

To complement the student’s prior theoretical homeschool learning, we discussed the flow of energy from one habitat to the other, and the fact that different habitats are connected. They were very enthusiastic and already had solid background knowledge of the aquatic environment and its inhabitants from their homeschool studies.

Live Marine Exhibits & Interpretation

The second part of the excursion took place in a pretty undercover area and focused on our team of live marine animals.

We discussed the creatures in great detail, examining adaptive traits and how all animals look and feel the way they do for a reason. We then explored what roll the animals played in their respective habitats and why we need to look after them and human impact on their environment.

Shark Artefacts 

The group was fascinated by our jawsome! (sorry!) sharks presentation which focused on our impressive collection of shark jaws. They learnt that shark teeth differ greatly in both size and shape, the reasons why and the varying diets that sharks have.

At Ocean Life Education, we like to use the term ‘Amazing Sharks’ so we discussed why we believe sharks are amazing, including their key role in ocean food chains and how they keep the ocean healthy by eating sick or dead animals and keeping numbers of other ocean dwellers in check.

The children also understood that sharks are not interested in eating people….however on very rare occasions they might make a mistake and bite into a human thinking it is a regular food source, such as a seal or large turtle. Together we examined why we need sharks in the ocean and why we believe that sharks deserve some positive PR for a change!

Thank you to an Awesome Group! 

We had a fantastic time with a bunch of upper primary to early secondary school aged kids who were polite, enthusiastic and had substantial knowledge of the marine environment. It was a pleasure to share this experience with a group of wonderfully appreciative home school kids!

Thank you to Pumicestone Homeschoolers for having us!

Further reading…

Marine Habitats

Primary Programs

Ocean Habitats

Oceans support an immense diversity of life and ecosystems. From the warm tropical waters of the Caribbean to the freezing polar regions (and from tiny zooplankton to blue whales!), a staggering range of animals, plants and other life forms call the ocean their home. These ocean habitats (or marine habitats) provide everything needed for survival – food, shelter, water and oxygen. They need to be healthy in order to support the diversity of life within them and contribute to a healthy ocean, which provides us with many things including food, oxygen, jobs and a whole heap of fun water-based activities.


Watch our Habitats video

Types of Ocean Habitat

Marine habitats are divided into two main zonescoastal habitat and open ocean habitat. Within these habitats, there are numerous sub-habitats.

Coastal Habitats

Coastal HabitatsThe coastal habitat is the region from the shoreline out to the continental shelf. Most marine creatures live in coastal habitat, although it only makes up seven percent of the ocean.

Coastal habitats include intertidal zones (constantly exposed and covered by the ocean’s tides). These include:

Rocky shore, mangrove, mudflats, estuaries, kelp forest, sea grass, sandy shores/beach and coral reefs – see below for more about these.


Open Ocean Habitats

Open Ocean HabitatsOpen ocean habitats are found beyond the continental shelf. This is the deep ocean. Open ocean habitats are divided into layers which include: surface waters, the deep sea, and the ocean floor.

It is estimated that about 10 percent of marine species live in the open ocean. They tend to be the largest and fastest, such as whales and sharks, or fish that swim in schools. Tiny marine life such as plankton also inhabit this zone, which is often referred to as the pelagic zone – this simply means open ocean in Greek.

Food chains can be found in the open ocean: small bait fish eat plankton, bigger fish eat the bait fish, and sharks and some whales eat the bigger fish. Some whale species eat tiny plankton. In fact, the largest creature on earth, the blue whale, eats tiny plankton.

Some animals are able to travel to great depths but also spend much of their time close to the surface. The sperm whale can dive kilometers deep into the ocean, yet spends most of its time near the surface. Water temperatures vary greatly in this zone with the water being warmed by the sun near the surface and very cold deep down.


Coral Reef Habitat

Coral reef habitat consists of many single-living organisms (polyps) living together as one large mass. It comes in many different shapes and forms. Coral reefs are responsible for a huge proportion of the earth’s biodiversity with an estimated 25 percent of all marine species living in and around them.

Corals live with algae in a type of relationship called symbiosis. This is where two different species of organism interact or cooperate with each other. The algae, called zooxanthellae, live inside corals where they are protected by the coral’s tough outer shell. In return, the algae provide food for their host that they produce by the process of photosynthesis. Zooxanthellae is also responsible for the striking colours we often see in corals. Without these algae, corals become transparent, exposing their white skeleton. This is known as coral bleaching.

Coral reefs provide protection and are home to millions of marine creatures (as well as algae). They also act as nurseries for juvenile creatures and act as a barrier protecting land foreshores (the coastline), seagrass and other marine vegetation. So, in effect, they protect our home (habitat) too!

Coral is an essential part of the food chain and ecosystems, without it marine animals would perish – from sharks right down to the smallest algae.

Human Impact on Coral Reef Habitat

In order to thrive and support a healthy ecosystem, coral reef requires a moderate ocean temperature and clean water. Climate change is resulting in ocean temperatures rising and in many regions, the ocean is polluted. This is worrying scientists and citizens around the world. We can all play a part in helping to protect our oceans by doing simple things such as disposing of plastics carefully. Click here to find out how else you can help the ocean.


Mangrove Habitat

Mangroves are tough trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone where they are able to survive in salty water. mangrove habitat They form extremely important habitats, providing protection for millions of marine animals as well as filtering and cleaning the water and the air, and protecting land from erosion.

Here are just a few of the benefits of mangrove habitat:

-Stabilize the coastline
-Protect water and air quality
-Reduce coastal flooding
-Provide habitat for fish
-Protect wildlife species
-Protect young fish from predators
-Serve as a nesting area for birds
-Protect species that humans rely on as a food source. It is estimated that 75% of commercial food caught has a direct link to mangroves!

Animals Commonly Found in Mangroves in Australia

Mud crabs, prawns, fiddler crabs, mangrove snails, molluscs and many species of fish, most common being the Mangrove Jack, Bream, Moses Perch, Whiting, Mullet & Flathead.

Wading birds: herons, pelicans, cormorants, curlews & egrets,


Rocky Shore Habitat

The rocky shore habitat comprises many microenvironments and ecosystems providing safe living habitat for a large diversity of rocky shore habitat animals, including:

Molluscs: Oysters, limpets, chitons, barnacles, crustaceans: crabs, prawns, lobsters, echinoderms: sea Stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, many species of fish and some dangerous animals such as the blue-ringed octopus and the cone shell!

The rocky shore also acts as a nursery, protecting juvenile animals and enabling them to grow before venturing out to deeper, less protective areas of the ocean.

The food chain system of rocky shore environments can be divided into three groups: the producers, the grazers and the scavengers/predators.

Producers include algae and plankton which both produce energy through photosynthesis. They are at the bottom of the food chain. The grazers feed on the producers and include creatures such as mussels, limpets and sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are also scavengers as they sweep the sea floor for food, picking up small particles of both producers and grazers as they go. Crabs, fish, turtles, and even some species of shark, eat sea cucumbers – these are all examples of predators.


Sandy Beach Habitat

There are two main types of sand:

Mineral sand – weathered mineral rock)

Carbonate sand – weathered down rocks containing calcium from parts of sandy beach animals (eg. sea stars, coral fragments, bones of dolphins, whales & dugongs, sea urchins, crustacean & mollusc shells, fish & shark teeth).

Sandy Beach is an important food zone linking the ocean to the land. Many small creatures live in this habitat, including worms and millions of microorganisms. Sandy Beach is also an important habitat for turtles to nest in and home to mammals such as rats and reptiles like snakes and lizards.

This zone provides a buffer zone, protecting land vegetation from ocean movement, wind and rain. Gentle tides may deposit sand onto beaches, while strong water movement, such as a storm, may erode sand from beaches. This means that beaches are changing all the time.


Seagrass Habitat

Seagrass is mainly found growing from mud or rock in bays, estuaries and coastal waters, and reaches a depth of up to 60 metres. it is the only flowering plant in the world that can live underwater. People often confuse sea grass with seaweed but seagrasses have roots, stems and leaves and produce flowers, fruits and seeds – seaweed does not!

Seagrass is an important food source for large animals like turtles and dugongs as well as smaller creatures such as sea urchins and fish. It traps food to feed on and algae grow on its surface, providing food for water birds, molluscs and other dwellers. So, seagrass is an important energy pathway, supporting the food web in many ways.

Seagrass also acts as protection for juvenile animals that seek shelter in it.

Seagrass Habitat

Copyright: Wildlife Conservation Society

Queensland’s Marine Habitats

Habitats ReefQueensland’s stunning coastline comprises a wide range of marine habitats. These include sandy and rocky shores, mangroves, and coral reefs; with the largest reef of all, The Great Barrier Reef, located just off Queensland’s coast.

For more information on Queensland’s marine habitats, check out Ocean Life Education’s NEW Habitats video presented by our owner and Senior Marine Biologist, Richard Coward. Habitats video

To book a Habitats-themed incursion at your school of centre, go to our website:


Primary programs & resources


Further Reading

Coral Bleaching