Author Archives: oceanlifeeducation

Why Fast Fashion is a Problem for the Ocean

fast fashion definition


Australians are considered to be the second highest consumers of textiles in the world. Clothing prices are often relatively low and many of us get a buzz from frequently wearing new clothes. But does striving to have the latest designs come at too high a cost to the environment? Read on to as we explain why fast fashion is a problem for the ocean.

What is Fast Fashion?

Fast fashion refers to trendy clothes that are mass produced and made and sold quickly and cheaply, enabling people to buy new clothes often. In order for the clothes to be sold cheaply, the workers who make these clothes are often paid very low wages and the materials are poor quality.

In the past, the fashion industry released new designs on a seasonal basis – four times a year. Nowadays some big fashion houses release a new line every week, producing almost twice the amount of clothing today than they did in 2000. Alarmingly, many of these garments are hardly worn at all and up to 85% go into landfill each year. In Australia that is thought to be enough to fill an area the size of Sydney Harbour. So, this is obviously a big issue.

The Role of Social Media in Fast Fashion

Social media has created social shopping and enabled fashion sellers to reach their audiences (the buyers) quickly, easily, constantly and cheaply. Most of us have been attracted to make a purchase by a quicky snappy offer and most of us enjoy a bit of retail therapy from time to time. But do we actually need all this stuff, or are we just on the fast fashion tread mill and being told what we need and making purchases without really thinking about it too much?


fast fashion ocean dump


The Fashion Industry

Creating trendy clothing takes a huge amount of resources. The fashion industry is one of the largest producers of carbon, the world’s largest user of water and produces 20-35% of the microplastics in the oceans.

Materials & Ocean Microplastics

Textiles used by the clothing industry fit into two broad categories: natural and synthetic. Natural materials such as cotton and wool are made from plant and animal sources and tend to be more expensive and last longer. Fast fashion relies on low-cost materials and quantity over quality, so synthetic, plastic- based materials such as polyester, acrylic and nylon are preferred. These synthetic materials produce non-biodegradable waste that is a major source of pollution in our oceans. Each time these garments are washed, thousands of tiny fibres are released from them and travel through our water ways to the ocean. Up to 75% of ocean creatures may have ingested ocean microplastics and suffer long term issues as a result.


ocean microplastics

How You Can Help Reduce Fast Fashion Waste

Obviously, the fashion industry need encouragement in the form of policy to encourage a refocus on making things that last and so encourage reuse and recycling. But if we don’t buy those garments in such quantity in the first place, we can make a significant difference ourselves.

The first and most simple thing you can do to help reduce fast fashion waste is to take a step back and think about whether you actually need the item. Do you already have something similar? Why not save the money? From here you can start changing your behaviour by simply shopping more mindfully.


Tips for Combatting Fast Fashion

-Think before you buy – do you actually need it and put the money to better use?

-Avoid buying new items cheaply each season, and instead be prepared to invest in high quality pieces that will last

-Start looking further into the brands you buy from and investigate their eco-credentials. Do you actually want to give them your money if they don’t care about the environment?

-Be prepared to ‘make do and mend’ – maybe you already have the item, but it needs a stitch or two?

-Check out the bargains in the op shops

-Share what you learn with your friends and others

-Support charities and organisations that are tackling fast fashion

Of course, there is no one simple solution to the issue of fast fashion but shopping mindfully and thinking about what that cheap items represents and whether you actually need it is a very good place to start.


Further reading

For more information about Human Impact on the Ocean, check out our website for courses and free resources



marine biologist for a dayCheck out our Marine Biologist for A Day Program – Ages 7-12 years


Our Goal

Ocean Life Education’s goal is to educate children about how our lives are interconnected with our ocean and to inspire them to feel a responsibility to take action to protect it.

What Do Marine Teachers Do?

early years


Education is key to understanding the ocean and how crucial it is to our existence, as well as inspiring people to want to protect it. So, the role of a marine teacher is a very important one. But what do marine teachers do?

The Role of a Marine Educator in Schools

The crucial role of a marine educator is to foster curiosity, imagination, knowledge and enthusiasm. As humans, we only generally care about what we know, so education makes a big difference if you want people to connect with and protect the ocean. Creating awareness at an early age is crucial in the creation of life-long ocean guardians.

We aim to do this through introducing children to our diverse range of live marine animals and presenting engaging lively ocean-experience activities that teach all ages about marine science and ocean conservation.

vacation care incursionsOcean Life Education’s Marine Educators

Ocean Life Education’s lead marine educator, Richard Coward, is a qualified Marine Biologist and heads our crew of marine educators who travel around southern Queensland educating kids. Not only are they all very knowledgeable but they are also passionate advocates for the ocean and engage kids to want to learn.

Qualifications to Become a Marine Teacher

Marine teachers have a minimum degree and frequently a master’s in marine biology. They often undertake extensive research projects and have wide-ranging first-hand experience…and fascinating stories to tell!

Specialist Teaching Roles

An estimated 80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface and more still inhabits coastlines. So, as you can imagine teaching roles include many fascinating specialisations. Consider the range of animals alone, from the tiniest microbes and plankton to the massive blue whale! There will always be a need for marine teachers to pass on their knowledge about these things.

 Where do Marine Teachers Work?

As the ocean covers over 70% of the planet, you will find marine teachers all over the globe, from the icy north and south poles to the warm tropical waters of the Caribbean. In Queensland, marine educators may work on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park or as expert guides on whale watching tours. Other areas of work include:

  • conservation and marine parks
  • fisheries and the fishing industry
  • planning and management
  • universities
  • museums and zoos
  • marine science institutions
  • power generation (sustainable please!)
  • engineering and consulting
  • government and industry.

Interested in Becoming a Marine Teacher?

Read our blog to find out How to Become a Marine Biologist in Queensland

Information about teaching in Queensland Marine Teachers Ass QLD 

marine biologist for a dayCheck out our Marine Biologist for A Day Program – Ages 7-12 years


Our Goal

Ocean Life Education’s goal is to educate children about how our lives are interconnected with our ocean and to inspire them to feel a responsibility to take action to protect it.

Ocean Life Education Incursions in Brisbane

brisbane incursions

As Director of Education at Ocean Life Education, I have been educating children about my passion, the ocean, for nearly sixteen years. My lively team of qualified marine educators and I visit schools, early learning centres and events inspiring young people to appreciate and want to protect the ocean with our live animal incursions in Brisbane and beyond.

I firmly believe in the old adage that “you only protect what you love”. How can you expect children to appreciate the ocean if they rarely or never experience it?

Bringing Ocean Education to the Classroom

Unfortunately, many children are unable to get to the ocean or even experience an aquarium. By bringing the ocean into the classroom or to an event we are able to influence many children who would not normally get the opportunity to see marine animals in their ocean habitat.

It’s very clear that this experience is really significant to them. Interactions with the animals are meaningful as they link to theoretical learning and children are immediately engaged and fascinated. You can see it on their faces and tell by the awesome and varied questions they ask!

Our marine educators arrive with a host of live marine animals, artefacts, games and information and blend ‘hands on’ interaction with science and humour, so our incursions are very lively and fun.

 Live Marine Animal Incursions

 We have a very varied team of marine animals that generally include the following diverse bunch…

 Baby Bamboo Shark, Fresh Water Turtle, Blue Linckia Seastars, Thorny Seastars, Tropical Sea Cucumber, Black Sea Cucumber, Sea Urchins.

Children are able to observe the animals in tanks and get the opportunity to feel their unique textures and learn about why and how they have adapted to be the way they are.

We are very mindful of the welfare of our animals and the wellbeing of the children and work to strict guidelines on sourcing and sustaining live animals.

Our crew

Our marine educators are a very lively bunch, each with a specialisation in the marine environment and most are qualified marine biologists, like myself. I have worked as a marine biologist in a variety of roles in Australia and overseas. I’m passionate about the ocean and my vision is to protect that environment for future generations to enjoy too.

Meet our crew

School incursions in Brisbane

School incursions offer students a break from their usual school routine and are designed to stimulate and extend their learning experience. They provide children with a hands-on educational experience without the need for extra supervision or safety planning.

Ocean Life Education provides curriculum-aligned and captivating school incursions which are the perfect accompaniment to a study block, bringing the subject to life.  The programs are tailored to the needs of the particular class, ensuring the children get to learn exactly what is required and the school achieves its learning goals.

We cover a range of curriculum topics in our school ocean life incursions, plus anything specialist that needs to be added in. Topics might include: Habitats, Life Cycles, Human Impact, Classification, Adaptation and Animal Behaviour and we can focus on a specific animal such as sharks – always very popular!

We also have extensive resources and supporting material at hand, such as videos, activities and worksheets, and offer flexible learning online courses for children who prefer to study in their own time. 

Early Learning Incursions in Brisbane

Early learning incursions are a great way to bring the real outside world into the childcare centre. The change in routine really helps restore focus and maximises learning by giving children the ability to participate in an engaging ‘learn as they do’ educational experience.

Younger children up to 2.5 years will discover a wide range of facts including:

  • Animals have colours, patterns, shapes and textures
  • Shells are protective houses once used by living marine creatures
  • Marine animals look & feel different for a reason
  • Animals breathe & exist under water
  • Sea creatures have mouths, stomachs and legs like humans, but they are very different in appearance
  • How to handle, care for, and protect live animals

WE then begin to introduce more depth to the information and introduce the following concepts to the older children (3-5 years):

  • The importance of caring for the environment for the future
  • The grouping of living things according to their features (Classification)
  • Who eats who! (Food chains)
  • The relationships between living organisms and their environment (Ecology)

 Our Goal

Ocean Life Education’s goal is to educate children about how our lives are interconnected with our ocean and to inspire them to feel a responsibility to take action to protect it.

More about Richard

 Our Programs

OCEAN NEWS – Watching Queensland’s Humpback Migration

humpback whale migration map

This Month:

Celebrating Queensland’s Humpback Migration, FREE migration calendar, How whale poo fights climate change, Humpback fast facts, Teaching Human Impact, Out & About this month, Ocean Creature Feature. 

Woohoo!!!! The Humpbacks are Back

It’s that exciting time of year when humpback whales migrate up and down the Queensland coastline from the Antarctic to mate and give birth in warmer waters. The arrival of the whales is celebrated throughout East Coast Australia and we reckon it’s the greatest show on earth! Why not head down to the coast and join in the celebration?

Read our BLOG to find out when and where to see the Annual Humpback Migration on East Coast Australia and learn a whole lot more about it.

Click below for our downloadable FREE Humpback Migration Calendar (see foot of email)

the whale pump


How Whale Poo Fights Climate Change – The Whale Pump

As whales surface from deep dives to breathe and poo, they circulate huge amounts of nutrients from the sea floor. This process is called the “Whale Pump”.

The whale poo acts as an excellent fertiliser for ocean plants called phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is at the bottom of the food chain and is a very important primary producer (food source) for the marine ecosystem. It also removes millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere and produces huge amounts of oxygen.

These tiny organisms (phytoplankton) absorb one-third of the carbon dioxide humans breathe out. They also produce half of the planet’s oxygen. So, as you can see, keeping this process working and our oceans healthy is crucial to our survival!

During long migrations, such as the one currently taking place off the East Coast of Australia, whales travel from nutrient-rich areas to nutrient-poor areas. This journey transports essential nutrients across the ocean in a process known as the “Great Whale Conveyor Belt”. So, whale migration has a big impact on the health of our oceans too.

Over 20,000 humpback whales are traveling up our coast right now! This is an amazing opportunity to teach students curriculum topics using an iconic, local theme. What better way to bring learning to life than to host an Ocean Life Education incursion at your school, then take a trip out to watch the amazing spectacle happening firsthand here in Queensland?

Programs & Free Resources


humpback fast facts

Humpbacks Course & Resources

Want to learn more about Australia’s iconic humpback whales?Check out our online course and teaching resources. – Both contain awesome videos, infographics, maps, fast facts, quizzes, and more!

Our Programs: Teaching Human Impact

Our Human Impact program  ‘The Earth Under Threat’ aims to educate and inspire children to want to learn more and protect our oceans.


  • Learn what humans do can harm the marine environment
  • Identify how changes to the marine environment; like weather patterns, land clearing, over-fishing, and pollution, affect it, its creatures, and us
  • Realise individuals can make a difference in caring for the marine environment and the need for all humans to accept personal responsibility for protecting it

To find out more, click HERE

Key dates coming up:

September 2022

4th  – National Wildlife Day

7th  – Threatened Species Day

18th – World Clean Up Day

17th – Int. Coastal Cleanup Day

17th – World Manta Day

18th – Sea Otter Awareness Week

24th – Fish Amnesty Day


Support a whale charity:

Whale & Dolphin Conservation
Marine Conservation
Sea Shepherd
Humpbacks & Highrises